From North to South
160- Panoram (Roches, Millers)
145- Starry Night (Caravellas)
141- Eveningside (Schwermans & O'Connors)
140- Whispering Pines (MacDowells)
132- Laughing Water (Montanas)
email Sarah Cole with changes, asterisked name is voting member for cottage
Finance Committee
Dr. Joseph Schwerman - (914) 475-2918 - skydivejoe@aol.com
Committee Member
Ryan Alverson - ryankeithalverson@gmail.com
(Chris Dunleavy's son-in-law)
To review on an annual basis the books (income/expenses) of the Cotton Point Association.
The committee will be made up of an appointed chair and 1-‐3 additional members as requested by the President, other Board members or the committee chair for a renewable 2 year term.
Duties to include but not limited to:
Annually review with the Treasurer all income and expenditures of the Association.
Review the check register, recurring expenses in addition to all one time payments.
Review with the treasurer any financial matters effecting the Association. Additional area to review may include insurance coverage/costs.
Present at each Annual meeting of the membership, the finance committee report (the financial condition of the Association).